The dispute over the control over Israel’s land between the current occupants and their neighbors will not be resolved until the return of the Messiah. He will bring in those that are Jews and make the fake Jews, which are the synagogue of Satan to worship before his people’s feet. (Revelations 2:9, 3:9) – The Khazarian Conspiracy Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan – White woman tells the truth about the Black Hebrew Israelites – EUROPEAN CONFESSIONS-AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE THE TRUE ISRAELITES AND THE CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD
Don’t be miss-led by the fake Jews use of the Star of David. The use of this symbol was never authorized by G_d. The symbol is satanic idol. Many true and fake Jews either knowingly or unknowingly use the symbol within religious artifacts, flags, jewelry and clothing or wherever suits them. – The Khazarian Conspiracy Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan – Star Of David – The Truth May Shock You! – The Star of David?