The Messiah’s death it made possible for all that believes in him shall be saved and belongs to him and all believers are one; no longer Jews or Gentiles, and are Abraham’s seed. (Galatians 3: 28 – 29). There is a pouring outreach to wakeup Christians to know the name of the Messiah and abandon the transliterated name of what is known today as Jesus. The gospel was first for the house of Israeli, including Judah. However, because of sin, disobedience and denying the Messiah, salvation was given to the Gentiles. G_d allowed this to happen to bring the House of Israel to jealousy. (Romans 11:11)
Yet, there is another message which is to raise awareness of African Americans and the descendants of the lost tribe Judah to renew, return, and reclaim the G_d their forefathers abandoned. In doing so, reclaim your heritage (Judges 2: 11 – 13, Isaiah 11: 11 – 12) – ROYAL HOUSE OF JUDAH
African Americans, the descendants of Judah, the Hebrews, you have an opportunity to claim the Messiah, ask for forgiveness for themselves and for the sins of the past generations, and serve G_d, not like the Christian and pagan ways and practices of the world today. – The Sins of Judah, Message to the Hebrew Israelites, Judah – FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED: Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel | Justin Peters/SO4J-TV – 20 RICHEST PASTORS IN THE WORLD 2019 – NUMBER 1 WILL SHOCK YOU – The Biblical Truth about speaking in tongues
There are Gentiles who do not believe in Jesus, but believe in the name of the Messiah and serve him according to scripture. When watching the U-Tube videos referenced in this website, you’ve already seen Gentiles practicing and believing in the Messiah. (Romans 9: 5 – 26)
Therefore did G_d forget about his chosen people of old? The answer is no. (Isaiah 10: 22 – 23, Romans 11:1 – 5) It’s time to cut out foolishness in G_d’s house. – True Israel (and why it matters) – Hebrews to Negroes Movie Trailer (2017)