The name or word “G_d’ and ‘Lord’ are titles written extensively throughout the Holy Bible. There are those who do not pronounce or write his name (not titles) because they considered his name sacred. The word god has its origin from German Indo-European. During the ancient times, they were called deities by Syrians and Greeks. Therefore, the question is what is his name? – The Eve’s “Erhverhs” not Hebrews III – The Ancient Hebrew is not Lost!
Too often, little known truths presented by the least known to us are overshadowed by what may appear and sound like the truth, as the “real McCoy”, from those we see and trust daily.
Additionally, in the eth CEPHER, page 6 – 7 provides narrative for more names of the Heavenly Creator; for example, “YAH, YAHUAH and YAHUSHUA. There are too many versions of the name of our CREATOR on U-Tube and websites. Some names have validity, while others appear questionable. Let’s engage your thought process for you to consider who are you going to pray, honor and serve? If you select God, you only selected a title; for your heart and mind thinks on the CREATOR, while your mouth gives speaks out praises to an unnamed god.
When it comes to the title lord, the previous discussion also applies to this topic. Make sure you are specific as to whom you are declaring to be your Lord and God. This discussion would not be occurring today, had not men sinned by deciding to alter the scriptures…..and this is not the first time this has occurred. Remember, YHWH said not to add or take away from His Words. Therefore, it is no surprise when comparing bibles from different publishers printed many years ago against today’s versions are not all the same. In fact, various bibles printed in modern times, have notable differences within the text. – Is Elohim a Proper Name for God the Father (Yahweh)?
The most important takeaway here is to know gain knowledge and understanding so that you can decide for yourself. Anything or anyone can be a L_rd or G_d. The works of men used as instruments of Satan has infiltrated the Holy Scriptures so that YAH’s people uses weaker attachments to their creator and lessens the glory and honor due his Holy Name. Believe it or not believe?